
Företagsekonomi och management

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The employee´s guide to Mystery Shopping (Nederländska)

The book explains the mystery shopping method in detail, and how employees can benefit from that the mystery shopping method is used in their companies. The book illustrates how the mystery shopping method can be used in any industry, the myths and pitfalls, and how successful mystery shopping programs should be developed and performed, to be beneficial for the company, the customers, and the empl
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130 kr

The employee´s guide to Mystery Shopping (Polska)

The book explains the mystery shopping method in detail, and how employees can benefit from that the mystery shopping method is used in their companies. The book illustrates how the mystery shopping method can be used in any industry, the myths and pitfalls, and how successful mystery shopping programs should be developed and performed, to be beneficial for the company, the customers, and the empl
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160 kr

The employee´s guide to Mystery Shopping (Tyska)

The book explains the mystery shopping method in detail, and how employees can benefit from that the mystery shopping method is used in their companies. The book illustrates how the mystery shopping method can be used in any industry, the myths and pitfalls, and how successful mystery shopping programs should be developed and performed, to be beneficial for the company, the customers, and the empl
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160 kr

The Infinite Game

So many organizations and individuals are obsessed with winning. But how do you win a game that never really ends? There is no such thing, for example, as winning business. Simon Sineks Start With Why and Leaders Eat Last have helped millions of readers see the hidden rules that govern our behavior. Now The Infinite Game challenges us to rethink our perspective with a deceptively simple question:
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150 kr

The Obstacle Is the Way

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120 kr

The Power of Habit

In The Power of Habit, award-winning business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Distilling vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives that take us from the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble to sidelines of the NFL to the front lines of the civil rights movement, Duhigg presents a who
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140 kr

Think and Grow Rich Every Day

Think and Grow Rich has sold millions of copies since Its initial publication and is still one of the bestselling books on the market. With 365 quotations from Napoleon Hill's most important works on success and abundance, this daily guide serves as a companion for everyone who wants to experience more prosperity in their lives.
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200 kr


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170 kr

Who Not How

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260 kr

Våga sälja hälsa : byt säljrädslan mot rådgivande försäljning och bli brans

Knyter det sig i magen när du ska be kunden att köpa av dig? Och struntar du ofta i att sälja den där produkten eller tjänsten din kund skulle må bra av, för att sedan bli besviken över att du inte ens försökte? Om du jobbar med hälsa, skönhet eller träning och har svårt att våga sälja så är det här boken för dig. Oavsett om du behöver sälja mer för att din verksamhet ska gå runt eller för att ch
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160 kr

Äntligen måndag : Arbetsmarknad för alla

Efterlängtad uppföljare till succéboken Äntligen måndag? Myter och möjligheter i arbetslivet som sålt i över 25 000 exemplar. En modern arbetsmarknadsbok som får dig att skratta, förvånas, fascineras och inspireras. Torild Carlsson brinner för att sätta människor i arbete. Han är innovatör, entreprenör, forskare och flitig föreläsare i arbetsmarknadsfrågor.
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180 kr

Chaos Monkeys

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85 kr


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120 kr

Scout Mindset, The

When it comes to what we believe, humans see what they want to see. In other words, we have what Julia Galef calls a "soldier" mindset. From tribalism and wishful thinking, to rationalizing in our personal lives and everything in between, we are driven to defend the ideas we most want to believe - and shoot down those we don't.
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140 kr

The Happy Human

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170 kr

Visa ditt rätta jag : utveckla ditt personliga varumärke för att nå dina mål och skapa mervärde för andra

Vi har alla ett eget personligt varumärke. Det skapas av de intryck vi ger i möten med andra människor. Av allt vi gör och allt vi säger. Varje dag.
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200 kr
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