
Mindfulness & the art of managing anger - meditations on clearing the red m

Mindfulness & the Art of Managing Anger explores the powerful emotion of toxic anger - what it is, why we experience it and how we can learn to control its destructive power through the very nature of mindfulness.
EAN: 9781782405856
Lagerstatus: Ej i lager
65 kr
Mindfulness & the Art of Managing Anger explores the powerful emotion of toxic anger - what it is, why we experience it and how we can learn to control its destructive power through the very nature of mindfulness. Fusing Western and Buddhist thought, therapeutic tools, specific meditative practices and frank personal anecdotes, this book reveals how we can all clear the red mist for peaceful wellbeing.
Mediatyp Häftad
Artikelkod 9781782405856
Sidantal 144
Språk Engelska
Utgiven 2018-01-24
Författare Mike Fisher
Vikt 240 g
Förlag Fair Winds Press
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